01708 227786 07909 913331
I will get to the root of your problem, helping you feel better as a whole. I can find the antidote to the stress of 21st Century living, after the treatment you will not only come out feeling better but also invigorated and revitalised.
Since qualifying in 1988, I have treated thousands of patients and built up a practice based on patient care and honesty.
All patients are treated by myself and not an associate. I always endeavour to spend up to an hour with a new patient; this will involve a detailed medical history, full physical examination and treatment (if appropriate).
This list is not exhaustive so please feel free to discuss any problems you might have.
The most common area to be affected in the lower back, it is also an area of the body that is hard to determine the cause, although it is often a result of strain caused to a muscle, tendon or a ligament.
With over 26 bones, the foot and ankle is a complex part of the body. Foot pain can be cause by a number of things, including; poor footwear, injuries or something more serious such as a disease.
L Gutteridge has extensive experience in the field, providing professional and reliable services including treating the majority of back pain symptoms.